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Inductions and workshops

6th - 9th October

Thursday 6th

Today we had a lecture and a small workshop. The work shop was to redesign a magazine page into a new advertise in the form of a banner and a badge. At first I was extremely excited to finally do a workshop but, I wasn't happy with the magazine page I W's given. I guess it's a good way to challenge myself but I found it extremely difficult.

Friday 7th

Today was a short day and was our first lecture and lesson on typography. Our task was to explore coventry and draw typography that we saw around town. I found this task to be extremely exciting beacuse, it gave me the chance to explore and I also started to learn a lot about typography. I started beginning to spot which typefaces worked well and which ones were designed poorly. Here are the pages I gathered and the design I thought was the worst .

 This design really annoyed me when I saw it. The spacing between the letters is very random, some have large spaces and others have small.  The lettering size is also off, all the letters should be the same hight but they aren't.

Saturday 8th

Today I decided to go to the library at Coventry university for the first time with my housemates. The library is far larger than I expected and it had some amazing things. I managed to gather some artists research for my festival project and I also looked into serif and san-serif fonts. Here is what I found out about it

Sunday 9th 

Today I have spent the day organising and planning everything into a diary to help me keep track if what's due when and what needs to be complete first. I have also done a blog post.
