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Course work and Workshops

10th October to 15th October

Monday 10th October

The day started at 9am with a lecture from Simon Bell. He informed us that each week he will give us a key work to. This weeks one was closed. The lecture was abut Psychedelic art and he raised the question "why did psychedelic posters look the way they did?" The answer:
  • Posters were a reaction against the establishment by the 60's youth, the Vienna Secessionists (C19)
  • There was also an overlap of visual styles between the decades
  • Misleading to make use think decades are neat 10 year periods
  • 60's was a decade in 3 parts
  • Different styles of creativity (David Bailey)
  • Other designs happened during the time of psychedelic
After taking these notes we were supposed to move on to watching a psychedelic clip but, unfortunately it wasn't working so we ended the lecture without the clip. This lecture opened my eyes up and gave me a better understanding of this time period and incredible art.
After the lecture it was studio study time so, I decided to research into my chosen festival and print the information off and continue to work at home. 

Tuesday 11th October

Today was Rob Tovey's lessons. we started the day with our presentations that everyone had been preparing in the groups about the museum trip we had. the presentation was about how we would promote our chosen museum. I missed the previous lesson so I wasn't given this task so, I got to watch everyone else present there work and I managed to pick up some very important information. One of the groups that presented didn't looked like they were not very good with teamwork. Two out of the 5 in the group was talking about a different museum to the one they were actually presenting. They were supposed to be presenting and promoting the 'Nature History Museum', but was also talking about the 'Natural History Museum'. Rob made the comment "I cannot stress how important it is that you get the correct clients name! If you get the name wrong, you lose your chance of getting the opportunity. It looks very unprofessional".
Watching the presentations helped me come up with the idea of a silent disco, so I went home and created my own presentation with my own poster, flyer and banner designs which was promoting Ashmolean.

Once the presentations where over, we moved on to a lecture. Here are some of my notes:

  • Put things together to create a new exciting thing
  • You are given as designers, the info (pictures, text, ext) your job is to place them together to create a design
  • Isolation: white space (Saying), Removing background
  • Juxtaposition: 2 things together, often conflicting, metaphors
  • Repetition: changes the view of the image, emphasis and infinite
  • Thematic: lots of small sections put together, triangles, circles, squares (Peter Blake)
  • Fantastic words: Achigram
  • Poetic: responses
After that lecture, we was given the task to create a poster using the style from one of the words. Here is my poster looking at isolation and repetition.

I enjoyed doing this because, I honestly felt like I learnt something new. This is something that I will find very useful for my career as a graphic designer. The themes are something I can see myself come back to, to help me whenever I get a little stuck.

Wednesday 12th October

Today was breakfast club with Paula. We watched a clip by Stefan Sagmeister. Here are the notes I collected while watching th clip:
  • Travel to new places
  • Try new materials
  • Don't get bored (Don't repeat old things)
  • Work with interruption
  • Look at thing at new angles. Maybe even manipulate them
  • Get feedback
I personally didn't find this clip to be very useful. This is because, he wasn't very interesting and didn't have much stage presence or good presentation skills. The work he has done is amazing but when he wasn't showing his work, he was rather boring.

Add-Vantage module

It's the second class and I'm still not finding this module helpful. I still desnt sound anything like the online description. Any way, today we looked at promotion, publicity and marketing. Here are my notes:

Thursday 13th October

Was Paula again, we loked at poster designs and also done a small workshop. The work shop was to pick our favourite movie (mines Harry Potter), write a small description of 140 charetores, reduce it to one word (mysterious) and created a poster bassed on the word. But, before we did that we had a lecture and here are the notes:

After Paulas lesson, we moved on to IT lesson. We learnt the basics of Photoshop. we were shown how to copy and paste, and how to put 2 images into one. Here are the notes:

Friday 14th October

Today we had our library induction with Phill Perry and we was given a small research task.
