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Course work and workshops 3

24th October - 29th October

Monday 24th

We started the week off wits a 9am lecture presented by Dr Simon Bell. The lecture was about William Morris and Industrial Revolution. There are the notes I gathered:

  • Happened mostly in 1800'some victorian period. During which factories and machines took over
  • Gutenberg's invention is a revolution
  • William Morris was in the middle of this time (designer, artist, writer, linguist and printer)
  • Member of Pre-Raphael Brotherhood
  • Founder member of Arts and Crafts Movement: valied fine Craftmanship
  • Set up Kelmscott Press which used hand printed methods to recreate medieval style books
  • Industrial revolution by the 19th century, chimineys became part of eras visual language
  • Victorian posters: letter press in black (colour was poor quality)
  • Key words were emphasised
  • 18th century: bigger fonts to emphasise
  • 19th century: bigger and different ones to emphasis
  • Fashionable into could be ugly/ hard to read
Tuesday 25th 

Todays day was spent with tutor Rob Tovey. We looked at advertisement and how to make it effective. Here are images of the notes gathered.

Today was also they day we handed  in out final Kenzo design. I am very happy with my finally design and I feel it was very successful. here is the feedback I received from Rob:

After rexciting this feedback, I realised the design does look refer rush and it definitely needs neatening up.

Wednesday 26th

Breakfast club with Paula. We watched a video about an artist called Geoff McFetridge who is an artist and graphic designer. We were also given the name of our instagram page CUGD2016
  • Taking graphicall work and making them them into prints
  • "Stoner forest"
  • Refine image until late it looks found
  • Hand made (painted but looks printed)
Add-Vantage module
Lecture 4 was about ASA. here are my notes:
  • Advertising standars Authority (ASA)
  • Legal, Decent, Honest, Trustful
  • Is a self regulating 
  • Paid by advertising industrys 
  • Open to public use 
After the small lecture we where placed into groups, my groups name is Alpha.

Thursday 27th

Today we had a critique not out festival project so far. turned out I'm the only one in my class that started to producework in a sketchbook. Everyone else had done research and started to think about what they wanted to do.

IT- InDesign 
  • Used for posters, flyers, magazines ext
  • Layout is very important
  • Communicates a message across
  • Arrangement of visual elements
  • Everything sits within a frame
  • Always bring your own colours ( Panton + solid coated/uncoated
  • Always savery as PDF for printing

Friday 28th

Typograph with  Phil Perry. we watched a video entitled  The machine that made us. it was about Gutenbergs creation of moveable text. here are the notes I gathered.
  • First media revolution
  • Letters were carved by hand in metal using a sharp chisel
  • Make duplicatesure using a mild and liquid metal
  • Made paper from clay 
After the video was finished, we went downstairs to try it out our selves. the design we produced and to contain the first letter of each of our namessage in our group (V,T,Q,D) this is how our design went...

An example for pervious work

The various sizes of letters
Finished composition for lettering woth furniture holding it in place 

Inked design

Inked the design, ready to be pressed

Placing the paper onto the design

Peeling the paper off of the pressed design

Finished result once it had come out of the letter press.
