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Placement research

Over the last few weeks I have been researching job placements. It has been very hard to find 3 month placements, all of them seem to be a year long or I am not qualified for the opportunity. However, I kept on looking even with these minor set backs and I have now found some placements that I can apply for.

12 month placements

DISNEY - Creative & Product Development

UNIVERSAL - Graphic Design Intern

Both of these 12 month placements are amazing opportunities but this is not what I am looking for. I want to either have a placement over the given time during semester 2 (March -May)or, have a summer placement. Due to this, I decided to research local design agencies in Coventry. Here are the three I liked the most.

These three design agencies would help me develop professionally but, I would have to contact them asking for a placement because, they are not looking for anyone at the present time. I will still contact them, it is just not guaranteed that they will give me the opportunity. After finding these three agencies I decided to have a look into London again. When I am not at University in Coventry, I am at home which is the outskirts of London. This means I can live at home and commute to London for a placement. 

After continues research and setbacks, I have found 2 possible work placements that I could do.

3 Month placements

PINGHE LTD - Creative Intern,2325094.html?utm_source=publisher&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=newifa&sid=ifa_gb_pub&kw=%7Bpub%7D#.Wh_z1Ux0e2w

IGNITE HOSPITALITY - Digital/Graphic Design Intern

Between these two placements, I would love to work for Ignite. This sounds exactly like the career path I want to take and would help me gain a better understanding of how this industry works. I will be contact Ignite via email and telephone.


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