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Add-vantage module

So, today is the day I started my add-vantage module. I decided to go with 'working in a design studio', the description for it was amazing and really ticked the boxes for what I wanted to do. But, it wasn't how I hoped and imagined. Beacuse I am studying graphic design I thought this would be perfect for me to gain experience. Anyway, as the lesson went on and the tutor was talking about the course, I started to question if it was the right thing for me? The whole module is the right thing for me but the way the tutor has planned it isn't... She explained that first years will be the writers and researchers, second year will be the Graphic designers and third years will be the accountant managers. So this basically means I signed up for something I might not enjoy... oh well, it was only the first lesson. Hopefully next week will be better.
