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Monday 6th March - Sunday12th March

I spent the majority of this week making changes to my individual web design based on the feedback received from my tutor Paula. There has been quite a few changes and as a group, we have started to design the main webpage which is due on the 13th March. On the previous blog post, I posted what my webpages look like. Here is what it now looks like compared to my original design;

 New improved design;

The hardest parts about developing my webpage design was, changing the triangle shape and creating a new background produced by myself. I came up with quite a few designs but the one above, is the one I thought worked best. Here are the other designs I produce for the background:

These design won't be wasted, theres a possibility I will use them for my double sided flyer design. Along side developing my webpages, as a group we started designing our homepage. This is what it looks like:

My design;

Group design and development:

Next weeks aim; to continue editing my new web design, have a group critique and make changes of the homepage. Also, start designing my flyer and the group catalogue.


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