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Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March

During this week my tutor Paula went on a trip with the third years, this meant that we didn't have much teaching during this week. Even though there wasn't any teaching, we had set tasks to do over the week, along with self directed work.

For Monday we had 2 online tasks, these were to upload our mock-up web pages to Padlet ( and upload a review of a website to another Padlet page ( For the majority of this week, I worked on gathering research and adding in small details to my coded website pages.

Here is my mock-up pages for my first webpage design:

Here are my mock-up pages for my second web design:

On Tuesday we had another online task. This task was to code a website using a code our tutor gave us, we then had to upload the finished piece to Codepen then Padlet (

On Thursday I had another coding lesson with Pete. During this lesson he taught us how to create structure for our websites by using tables. Using tables creates an easy frame to work with and allows you to split up the page. I found this slightly helpful however, because I have already coded my webpages I didn't need to learn this. On the other hand, what I learnt could be very helpful in the future. The confusing part of this is my other tutor Paula told us not to use tables as a way to layout a website. This makes me wonder if my tutors are communicating because they keep teaching us the opposite to what the other has said.


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