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Monday 17th April - Sunday 23rd April

During this week I focused on my PDF presentation, finalising my web design and beginning to transfer my work onto a memory stick for submission. The PDF presentation is going well however, there is more work I need to do on it. The more I do, I realise I'm missing something so I have to go back and rearrange everything to get it all to fit. I have currently got 27 pages and I still have a lot more to add in.

Finalising my web design is a tricky thing to do. The website is complete, I'm just now trying to fix the very minor, small details. This is proving to be quite difficult and I am having to do a lot more research into how to fix these issues. One of the main issues is the response effect does not work as effectively as I would have liked, it works up until the page cannot go any smaller. This is rather frustrating but I am not sure how to fix this.

I have began transferring my work onto a usb memory stick which at first, I thought would be simple. Transferring everything was easy but when it came to transferring my website, thats when the problems began. The website design works (parallax effect) but all the images do not work. This can be resolved by changing the image coding. I have attempted 3 different codes and it still does not work so I have emailed my tutor Paula for help. While I wait for her to reply, I will be focusing on my PDF presentation and my powerpoint presentation for 115AAD.

Next weeks aim: Have everything ready for submission (everything printed, everything on a USB).
