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Showing posts from November, 2017

Presentation for submission

Here is my presentation ready for submission on Monday 4th December. I will be presenting this presentation on Wednesday 6th December which means, I have time to practise what I will say during it. This presentation is a reflection of my journey and findings of my community of practise, Graphic design. It also leads on to placement research, portfolio building and blog posts.

Take a Break

With the stress of hitting deadlines, keeping up with responsibilities, family problems and whatever else life can throw at me, it is easy just to forget about yourself. Today I decided to take a step back and appreciate what is around me. I gave myself a mini project where I sat and produced a time-lapse of the sun set from my bedroom window. It is such a little thing to do however, it cleared my mind and allowed me to feel sane again.

213AAD - Campaign

For this project I am producing a mental health campaign so far, I have produced a range of different poster designs. FIRST DESIGN The purpose of this design is for a person to rip of one of the tabs at the bottom. On the reverse side of the tab, there is a link to my website where they can get 'what they need' on there. I believe this is a very strong design however, I am not sure how to go further with it. I constantly receive positive feedback from tutors and peers for this poster design but hardly any ideas on how to develop it into a website and motion animation. Due to this, I have decided to produce other designs. SECOND DESIGN For these design I decided to play with the idea of holding a sign. I got each person to hold a blank piece of paper so I could then add text to it later on in the development process. I personally thought the design was strong but, when I had printed it, I realised there was far too much blank/ white space within the design.

Mock Magazines

For weeks I struggled with understanding the typography brife along with having no idea what to do for it. I now have a clear understanding of where I am going. I have produced 3 mock-up experiments and developments of my magazine design (sized A5). Each magazine contains the same content but, they are all printed on a different mediums. ( Left = paper magazine Middle = Tracing paper magazine Right = Acetate magazine with paper under the acetate cover) Paper Magazine Tracing Paper Magazine Acetate Magazine I am extremely happy with the outcomes however, I still need to produce atlast one more mock up using a combination of tracing paper and acetate. I have been receiving positive feedback from my peers and my tutor (Mark). He has suggested very minor changes including, re-thinking the positioning of my text, remove the widows of text and, down sizeing the scale of the type in the bottom corners of each page. Once I have made these changes and produced one more magaz

Creative Pathways - In class notes

These classes have been very informative and I can say I have learnt a lot both professionally and personally. It has helped me form a better understanding of my self, and my career goals. I have decided to upload my notes from class so I have access to them wherever I go.