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309AAD: Advertisement script

For this campaign to be strong, I decided it needed an advert. The advert needs to be informative yet playful so here is what I came up with initially.

Story board:

The Script:


Animation and videography is not my strongest aspect in design however, this project gave me the chance to push myself beyond my comfort zone. Due to this I researched the two most popular video editing programs by watching video tutorials on I decided the best platform to produce my advert in was Adobe AfterEffects over Adobe Premiere Pro. This was beacuse I have perviously used premiere pro which I struggled with. Using this program for the first time had its challenges however, I found I learnt how to use the standard tools very quickly. I feel that a weaker point that could be developed is organising my files better because I found that it made the process harder and it also became more time consuming. 

Here are some videos of my development to achieving the final advert (Final advert is not in this blog post, it can be found 309AAD: Complete BeeCause campaign)


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