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Showing posts from March, 2017

Monday 20th March - Sunday 26th March

As a group, we have until the 27th March to complete our catalouge and individual flyers. We have already completed our catalogue and I have completed my flyer. This means I have time to refine parts of the project and start producing my app design. This weeks lectures were mainly focused on how to produce apps. We were given a small task where we went to visit the Herbert museum to take photographs. We then had to take one image and turn that into a flyer using a limited resource app on our phones. Once we had produced a flyer we had to upload it to This exercise allowed us to be creative because, we had very little editing tools. The next day we had a lecture about apps. We were asked to come up with an app idea and present it to the class. The next task was to then draw the app (paper based app mock-up) and then combine the images together to create a .GIF showing how a person would navigate through the app. Unfortunately, I do not have this

Monday 13th March - Sunday 19th March

This week as a group we focused on our homepage and started looking at our catalogue. After receiving feedback for our homepage, we made a few changes. This is how it looks now: It looks a lot better now that we have made more changes but, I feel it is still not complete. I am waiting to have another critique with my tutor to see what else we could improve. After we made these changes as a group, we moved onto looking at paper folds and content layout for our catalogue presentation. The brief says to use a standard 'Z fold' but, as a group we have decided to try a different fold. We spent a few hours researching different folds and looking at YouTube videos. We finally found one we all agreed on After deciding on the fold, we proceeded to create the grid layout for the content on InDesign. This was rather challenging to make but we managed to do it in the end. Here is what it looks like: Next we started placing the content in: Front: Ba

Monday 6th March - Sunday12th March

I spent the majority of this week making changes to my individual web design based on the feedback received from my tutor Paula. There has been quite a few changes and as a group, we have started to design the main webpage which is due on the 13th March. On the previous blog post, I posted what my webpages look like. Here is what it now looks like compared to my original design; \\  New improved design; The hardest parts about developing my webpage design was, changing the triangle shape and creating a new background produced by myself. I came up with quite a few designs but the one above, is the one I thought worked best. Here are the other designs I produce for the background: These design won't be wasted, theres a possibility I will use them for my double sided flyer design. Along side developing my webpages, as a group we started designing our homepage. This is what it looks like: My design; Group desig

Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March

During this week my tutor Paula went on a trip with the third years, this meant that we didn't have much teaching during this week. Even though there wasn't any teaching, we had set tasks to do over the week, along with self directed work. For Monday we had 2 online tasks, these were to upload our mock-up web pages to Padlet ( ) and upload a review of a website to another Padlet page ( ). For the majority of this week, I worked on gathering research and adding in small details to my coded website pages. Here is my mock-up pages for my first webpage design: Here are my mock-up pages for my second web design: On Tuesday we had another online task. This task was to code a website using a code our tutor gave us, we then had to upload the finished piece to Codepen then Padlet ( On Thursday I had another coding lesson with Pe


This week I managed to get feedback from my peers and tutor about my webpage design. I received a lot of positive feedback from my peers but, I wasn't given anything constructive. I wanted to get feedback that would help me improve my webpages, so I stayed behind to talk to my tutor. Here is a few notes on what she had to say about it: Change the code headers to a scrolling .GIF switching between the colour code, and the concept of that gallery. Refine concept ideas. Change the shape of the scrolling isosceles triangle to a equilateral one. This will make the scrolling triangle and individual logo match. You could make the finished drawn triangle into a button that brings you back to the top of the page.  The main #HEX logo looks a bit out of place under the navigation bar, this will need to be changed to make it look more professional. Maybe consider changing the main logo to the individual one and place this on the right. The information in the footer is not needed. The l

Letter from future me to myself

Dear Vienna, This letter is to inform you that one day, you will be successful! Until you reach this point, you need to participate in a journey called ‘life’. In this letter, I have given you advice on how to deal with your current situations. Have the courage to tackle any feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism, as these can poison some of the best years of your life. It is not wrong to be self-assured and happy with yourself. You are a strong person with a bright future, do not let little things get in your way. Always keep your eyes on the main goal. Do not worry what other people think. Do not let others stop you from doing things. Group work can be hard but cherish your relationships and interactions with people and squeeze every drop out of them, even when it can be exhausting. You can learn a lot from interactions with others, so make sure you take the time to listen and learn. It may not seem like you’re getting anywhere with group work, but it is helping you develop

Monday 20th February - Sunday 26th February

For Monday our tutor asked each group to come up with a house-style board. I asked my group to stay after our lesson on Thursday so we could spend an hour doing this. None of them turned up which meant we did not have a board to show in our presentation in front of the whole class. The other issue was that only myself and one other member turned up on Monday from my group. When the presentations ended I spoke to my tutor about the issues I am having with my group. She has asked me to start documenting what each member does every week and to also produce a simple house-style board. She also said if they don't like what you've selected, then thats their problem and they should start turning up. Paula advised me to stop chasing the group and concentrate on doing all of the individual work (my 4 webpage design, mock-ups and flyer). During this week I struggled to sleep, so one night I decide to recode my individual webpages. The new webpages are better than my first attempt at