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Monday 13th February - Sunday 19th February

After waiting weeks to receive my grades on all of my projects, I finally had got them. In my add-vantage module, I have 82%, for 111AAD I achieved 70%, for 112AAD I achieved 71% and for 113AAD I received 53%. I am very proud of myself for the grades I have achieved, and I have done a lot better than I ever thought I would. I’m not exactly very happy with the grade I received for 113AAD because it is my lowest grade and is also the only project I did not get firsts in. If after being given feedback and the opportunity to redo this project, I probably would do it.

This week we also had another critique with our tutor. This critique was about our individual concepts and final branding identity design. For my concept I’ve decided to go with typography. The comment my tutor made was that I need to finalise and narrow down my concept, because at the moment it is very broad and I will be unable to produce work unless I narrow it down. On the other hand, she likes our final branding identity design and said that there are no other changes that need to be done to it. She asked us to now move on to designing our house style board as a team.

On Thursday I asked my group to come together after our class so we could start out next group task. None of them turned up which met this would not be complete for Monday coming. Due to no-one turning up, I decided to produce a house-style board for my own sections of work. This wasn't what my tutor Paula had asked for but it was the best I could do. Thursday is also the day were I have my html lessons, as usual I got lost and ended up teaching myself the aspects I did not understand.
