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Course work and workshops 5

7th till 11th November

Monday 7th November

Mondays start with Dr Simon Bell, the lecture he presented today was called 'a site to inspire'. The key word for this lecture was 'accuracy'. This lecture touched upon some hard things that were quite emotional and really opened up my eyes to the world.

Here are the notes I took during this lecture:

  • Crimea (charge of the light Brigade)
    Unpopular war in the Crimea same time as Industrial Revolution
    there was a group called the glorious 600 men. This group charged but it was a misunderstanding
    During this time period illustrators were used to capture the events rather than a photographer
    Lord Cardigan played a huge role during this time.
    During this time it comes across as they trusted illustrations more than photographs.
    Propaganda can be linked to photography because it can look like everything is fine and ordered. In reality it isn't.
20th century
  • There are now smaller cameras
    3.5 mm wide film
    Portable cameras
    Action pictures could now be produced
    Pictures of the missile launch was being printed and published before I had the even hit the target.
  • Americans and French.
  • War 1975 ended
  • North versus South
  • same time as psychedelic era
  • North Vietnam evacuated by South Vietnam
  • images can imprint on brain/mind more than films
    you can view image longer than the section of
  • "that's not news, does it all the time"(North Vietnam shooting a South Vietnam child)
  • this was the first time the news showed someone dead on TV.
  • Four students were shot dead by the military due to protest against war.
  • Napalmed girl: seen to be "anti-American", illegal and full nudity.
  • Sometimes all you need is words to get your point across rather than an image.
Tuesday 8th November

Today we went on a trip to Compton Verney. Here we got to explore the grounds both inside and out. Compton Verney has a beautiful landscaped along with a lovely architecture building. During this trip we got to see some of Picasso's work entitled Picasso on paper. We also saw lots of other masterpieces throughout the building have come from different parts of the world. After we had wondered about the grounds and had a private tour, we were given the task to wrap orange with no creases or overlaps with paper. This proved to be very hard and most groups struggled with this. The point of the exercise was to think about visual space (geographical info). After this more lecture we was given a new brief, this brief is to create a map for Compton Verney.

Wednesday 9th November

Today I had an APT meeting with Lisa. This meeting was about my review of the course and how when I am doing. During this meeting I told her my opinion on the advantage module that in doing, she suggested that I write down all of those points as bullets and send them to her, Rob or Paula. She also believes make a good student rep, I wouldn't mind being a student rep as long as it doesn't interfere with my coursework. She also suggested I started to produce a written journal which is more reflective than the one that I already have.Advantage moduleI found this meeting to be rather helpful as she gave me some good advice.

Advantage module

The person that we are working for (Hannah Bolt), came in to speak to us and answer our questions.. This in fact was a second-years job so me and the third year spent the time sitting and waiting for our second year to come back with information. Now the information has been gathered, the second year is now able to start producing graphical designs work to suit the client. Whereas I can't quite start my section yet because I have to wait for my team to progress more.

Thursday 10th November

Today we had a lecture with Paula where she explained into further detail what she wants us to produce for a festival project. She wants us to observe and research, do and explore, strategise and plan. And also learn and practice, and produce work that will connect to the audience. She explained that research takes you on a journey of discovery so research is something important. She then moved on to say the concept needs to connect message and visuals together to create overall message.

Next I had our ICT lesson in in design creating a post. The purpose of the poster is to inform. The layout, needs to be eye-catching, legible and appropriate.. We need to create visual hierarchy. Think about headlines and group information. Composition, lead eyes around the page. Quick and easy to read. Elements, fonts, colours, layout. Typography, never use more than two fonts, maybe even try mixing serif and sans serif fonts together. Experiment, shaped to create visual image.
