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Course work and workshops 4

Monday 31st October - Friday 5th November

31st October

Monday morning lecture from Dr. Simon Bell. This lecture was entitled 'Bewick, Stone and Breakfast at Tiffany's: the return of the true urban cowboy. In this lecture we learnt about the difference between urban and rural. We alsolooked at the artists 'Thomas Beswick' and 'Reynolds Stone'. Here are the notes i gathered.

  • You need a honest design
  • We then listened to Breakfast at Tiffany's music
  • Thomas Beswick (1753_1828) 
  • Sympathetic work, incredible detail, maybe dishonest work (could have made the scenery up) manipulating the viewers in believing its true
  • External accuracy
  • Reynolds Stone (1900-1979)
  • Worked to the frame
  • Beautiful
  • How the view really looked to him 
We then watched the first 15 minutes of Breakfast at Tiffany's.
  • 1961, 3 to 4 years before pyschedelic
  • She didnt eat very elegantly
  • Out all night but the cat was in (should be other way around)
  • Rural man/ excentric 
1st November

Anothet lecturer with Rob Tovey. This lecture was about 'audience and message'. Hete are notes that i gathered.

Audience and message

  • Understanding the audience - target audience
  • Demographics
  • Acorn structure
                                   /                                            \ 
ATTITUDE                                     _                                     BEHAVIOUR

Descriptor's: gender, age, geograohy, occupants

Attitudinal analysis: attitudes, beliefs, values

Behavioural analysis: actions, patterens, proferences

Emotion is linked to decision making
Play woth viewers envious

Life style brand 

  • Help show who you are....
  • Different lifestyles have emerged
  • Hipster lifestyle e.get skinny jeans, road bike, old-school camera 
  • Target the life style
Finding an audience/ shaping a message 
  • Research  (engage with people)
  • Sculpting the message to best function 
2nd November

Breakfast club with Paula. Today we watched a video about Helvetica.
Here are the notes I gathered..
  • Designers put wires into our heads
  • Helvetica is fancy
  • Type faces vary for atmosphere
  • Clarity and clear is important
  • Next step from 19th century font 
  • Meaning in content not typeface
  • Typography has personality like drawing does 
Add-Vantage module

Today we continued to work in our groups. we also decided on which brief we wanted to do. we went with 'Hanningfield Bolt is a professional award winning photographer who need an invitation design for her exhibition'. we was also finally given part of our essay, this means I can finally start planning

3rd November

4th November 

Today we had Phil teaching us typography. He gave us one if our briefs which is to creat our own typeface from the observational life drawings we produced in class. hete are the drawings I produced... 
