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Summer 2017

Over summer I have been very busy working two jobs and teaching myself Adobe Illustrator. I worked at an Ice Cream shop called Fabio's and also worked at The Angle Vaults Inn (Wetherspoons), were they would sometimes give me some paid design jobs.

Due to the fact that I worked two jobs, made it very hard for me to keep up with weekly blog posts. Now that I am back at university, and a bit more settled in my new 11 bed house, I am ready to start blogging again.

Short summary of Summer
Summer was very fast pasted and busy for me but, I can defiantly say I have better organisation skills and a lot more confidence. I have worked at Wetherspoons for two years and over summer, my manager promoted me to Team Leader. This meant I had even more responsibility than I originally had but, I can take that as a positive. Being Team Leader has taught me new skills and helped me develop professionally. I can now confidently lead a team which will help when I get a job in the Graphic Design industry. I have learnt how to work under pressure and still come across as calm, multi task and problem solving. These are all aspects that I can use within university and when I achieve my career goal.
Even though I was busy throughout the summer, I reached a point where I couldn't wait to come back to university to get my head back into designing. When I started to feel like this, I decided to teach myself how to use Adobe Illustrator (I will go into more detail in the next blog post). I have chosen Adobe Illustrator as my Add-vantage module so, teaching myself gave me a step up for this module. I am aiming to achieve above 70% in my Add-vantage so I can receive a certified certificate, which will improve my employability.
Over summer I started to regret not looking for a summer placement in London within a design agency. So next summer, I plan to look for a placement so I can start gaining the much needed experience that employers want to see.


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