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Showing posts from May, 2018

Submission Day

Submission day was stressful. Due to being project managed I had to submit my own work and also the groups work. I had been trying to get work from other team members for 4 days. No one seemed to listen to me and everyone was avoiding me. I repeatedly asked for the same things every day and they all decide to give me the work the night before submission and the morning of it. This put pressure on me because I was left to organise everyones work onto a memory stick I bought with my own money. I informed them that I will be submitting my work at 9am but this became later as I waited for more work. Once it hit half 10 I had enough of waiting around and told them I will be submitting at 11. I went to uni and submitted my work at 11:12am on Tuesday 8th May. Usually after submission you get a email saying you've submitted straight after. I did not get this email. I walked home and still hadn't received it. This made me feel very concerned so I ended up going back to university. I

Getting my group to coporate before submission

Days up to submission and all I've done is costly message my group to send me their work so I can submit it as a team. It has got to the point that I have personally made each member a check list of what I need from them. Here is what I sent them... Even though I produced this check list, I was still being asked what they needed to do! I could not be anymore frustrated with my group but hey! its apart of team work experience, right? I was chasing team members to produce work and give it to me. Once they finally sent it I noticed so many mistakes that could have been avoided if they let me see the work sooner or, they turned up to our group meetings on a regular bases! Here is a screenshot of messages and mistakes I was pick up on the night before submission and the morning of it. It was just so annoying to see that they had not followed what I had told them and it set me back on time waiting for them to fix their mistakes.

Presentation for 215AAD

Here is my presentation for 215AAD ready for Tuesday 8th May submission and to be presented on Thursday 10th May at 3:40pm to Lisa.

Updated Online Portfolio

The link to my updated portfolio which I made live today!! I decided to update my portfolio with my achievements of this academic year. I have added that I am now Adobe certified associate and I have added 4 more project galleries.  The galleries I added are David Carson - The father of grunge  ,  Postive Type  ,  Ele's Room  and  Wetherspoon - Advertisement . The positive type is a self-directed project and Wetherspoon advertisement was a live brife. I decided not to include the current project/ live brife (Alvis annual book) because it is a unfinished project. Once the project is complete, I will put it in mock-ups to then be displayed. Here is a screenshot of the landing page for my website:

Project Placement - Meeting with Eugene (30th April)

The last tie I saw Eugene. was when I went to meet him by myself to collect a memory stick which I needed to pass the info on to the rest of the team.  The meeting was rather quick. I handed him printouts of everything I have done and so did Ignus and Benga. For some reason the other two members didn't even though I asked in advance for them to do this however, I have never seen work produced by them so this concerns me. At this current time I am focusing on my presentation for the end of this module (215AAD) as I have no work to do due to Eugene not having the content ready yet.