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Showing posts from March, 2018

Project Placement - Final Housestyle

Here is the final housestyle for all match reports.

Project Placement - Meeting with Eugene 21st March

Today is the day we showed Eugene the match reports we had all produced individually. MINE WAS THE CHOSEN ONE. This means my style for match report will be used throughout the annual book design!!! I could not be any more excited or happy. The stress and struggle of my group finally paid off when Eugene selected my design.

Project Placement - Developed match report

In response to Eugenes feedback, I decided to develop my work. This is what it looks like now. Now that this is produced, I will be showing Eugene in our next meeting. Hopefully, other people in my group would have produced their own designs from him to pick from. If my design is picked for the book, I will create a housestyle but for now, I won't produce one. The match report now has a better layout and a lot more images. I flower well and is easy to read

Folklore - Developed design

I have now received feedback with my folklore design. Someone suggested I add colour to Pinocchio. Here is my development which I will be submitting on to  for final consideration. If I will, the poster will be exhibited in England as well as Columbia. This would be an amazing opportunity.

Project Placement - Housestyle development (AS A TEAM!)

Lisa gave me an extra member if the team in response to the email I had sent her. She gave me Marius Benga. Hopefully this will make my team work better. After Lisa spoke to everyone due to my email I saw a positive change in my group. As a team we produced this housestyle for Eugene to see which was mainly based on Igus design. However, it had a lot of input from me and also uses the football pitch designed.

Folklore - First design

Here is my first design. It needs to be uploaded to to receive feedback. I wanted to create a silhouette design on Pinocchio. I wanted the poster design to feel playful and fun to represent the story. Now that it is uploaded, I need to wait for feedback.

Project Placement - 1st Match report design

Today I woke up not very well and feeling stressed with my group. My group hard communicate and when I message in the chat I either get no reply or a reply hours later. Today we are supposed to be meeting our client however, my group have not even decided on a housestyle. I have produced my own along with a match report however, this is MY work not theres, so I do not want them putting their names on it. However, I sent them my work and they showed Eugene when they met ups with him. This made me feel so argued because it looked like we did it together when in fact, I did all of it.  Unfortunately, I woke up so unwell that I could not go to the meeting with our client and I ended up sending an email to Lisa about everything that is going on. This is the email and reply. Anyway with the negativity aside, here is the match report I produced and also sent to Eugene for feedback due to the fact I could not go to the meeting. Here is the feedback received through emai

Dissertation choices

It is my final year of university which means it is time to think about my dissertation. I decided to start looking at various questions I could answers based on my personal areas of interest within Graphic Design. The questions I have thought of so far are: How have the trends in graphic design changed over the past decade? What do you consider more important aesthetics or function? How do modern technologies influence graphic design? Why does graphic design play such an important role in advertising? What are the most popular designs used in the creation of the commercial logos? How does design interact with politics? How does culture affect graphic design? Why do some designs inspire strong emotional responses? What role does graphic design play in government propaganda?   How did the design of the book cover of Jurassic Park affect the sales? How does technology affect graphic design?   What role does graphic design play in changing culture? Question 10, is very

Project Placement - Meeting the Client

Today was the day I met my client and was given a proper brife to work with. When Lisa said it was a big job, she was not at all joking!! Me and Bianka were the only ones there. Our client Eugene is very profession and organised, he came in with a copy of the book from last year for me to keep and a presentation which answered all of my questions and was filled with useful information. Now that I have a better understanding of what he wants, I can finally start doing some work. Here are the presentation slides Eugene presented to us (Yes, he include images of use form facebook before he met us! he search us on facebook).

Project Placement - Housestyle

To start off this project, I decide to produce my own housestyle. This is something I have asked every team member to do so that our client can see a wide range of options which he can select from. Here is the housestyle I produced. One of the things that Eugene kept mentioning was that he wanted as much pictures as possible. When he said this, I thought I good way to execute this would be to use polaroids, so this is what I based my concept for the housestyle on. I also wanted to keep it simple by only using the colours from the girls uniform. Once this housetyle was produced, I moved on to making my first match report design.

Project Placement - Coundon Court Girls Football Annual book (Group project)

Today is the day everyone who did not manage to organise a placement will be given one from our tutor Lisa. This is  based on a form we filled out weeks prior to this day. I waited for my name to be called out and went to the front of the class to sit with Lisa and my team members. However, out of a team of 3, I was the only one that attended uni this day because they were both on holiday in a different country. The names of the other members are Ignas and Binaka. Straight away this made me feel nervous about the commitment of my group. I have not had the best of luck with groups before and I was hoping this one would be different. Maybe I was wishing for too much... After no-one else came to the front, Lisa said I will be project manager (for the 4th time since I've started uni). Due to no-one else being there I felt uncertain and very concerned as to how much work would be produced. She then moved on to inform me that the project is to create a annual girls football book which

Folklore - Research

This is a project is entitled  The Journeys into Mystery. This project is also being done by a university I Columbia called  Universitas Ciputras. The project is  short. Everyone has to come up with a poster design using a folklore of our choice. The poster has to be A2 and consist on 150 words of copied body text. Before I started this project I produced research. Here is my research: The museum of British Folklore Overview The museum of British Folklore currently does not have a building for the public to visit however, the organisation holds a series of exhibitions and events within the UK. Folklore is slang used as a secret language, from school children to guilds and masonic groups. It is the shaping of everyday experience in stories. Folklore involves life values, artfully expressed in myriad forms and interactions. The stories enrich the country and makes us a commonwealth of cultures. ·        The museum of British Folklore wants to celebrate and revitalise the fol