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Showing posts from February, 2017

Monday 6th February - Sunday 12th February

The plans for this week was to have our brand identity finalised for another critique with our tutor, however our tutor decided to give us an extra week to finalise this and give us other projects. During this week, she wanted us to continue finalising our brand identity, and she also wanted us to start producing the individual concepts, complete 3 research sheets and create an A3 mood board. Alongside doing these tasks given by our tutor, I coded a main webpage for my team and started creating my individual webpages for New York City. Even though last week I struggled extremely in Pete’s lesson, I have been taking the extra time to teach myself how to use HTML coding. This week I managed to teach myself how to make a navigation bar from scratch. I was very proud of myself when I realised I managed to do this, and I started to wonder if I should turn up to his lessons. This is because, in my last lesson with him, he made me feel very small and stupid. I felt like he was talking do

Monday 13th February - Sunday 19th February

After waiting weeks to receive my grades on all of my projects, I finally had got them. In my add-vantage module, I have 82%, for 111AAD I achieved 70%, for 112AAD I achieved 71% and for 113AAD I received 53% . I am very proud of myself for the grades I have achieved, and I have done a lot better than I ever thought I would. I’m not exactly very happy with the grade I received for 113AAD because it is my lowest grade and is also the only project I did not get firsts in. If after being given feedback and the opportunity to redo this project, I probably would do it. This week we also had another critique with our tutor. This critique was about our individual concepts and final branding identity design. For my concept I’ve decided to go with typography. The comment my tutor made was that I need to finalise and narrow down my concept, because at the moment it is very broad and I will be unable to produce work unless I narrow it down. On the other hand, she likes our final branding identi

Monday 30th January - Sunday 5th February

For this week my group and I finalised our brand identity. We also had a HTML coding lesson which I struggle to keep up with the rest of the class. I asked my tutor Pete for help, but he did not do this. Another class member came to sit next to me to offer help. After his I went home and taught myself how to do all the coding that he was trying to teach me. I found it rather hard to do, but I am proud I managed to teach myself. In my team for Project #HEX we met up a few times and discussed how we want to develop work further. I still do believe we are working well as a team and I’m very confident they will get the work done. My personal aim for this week is to start researching my team’s house styling board.

Monday 23th January - Sunday 29th January

During this week I was informed I will be a project manager for team 14. I got this role because I was selected by my tutor Paula for my leadership skills. At first I didn’t think I was quite right for the role but after planning and organise a few things I’m adapting to the part well. As a group the first thing our tutor wants us to produce is our brand identity. This includes a main logo design for Project #HEX, individual logos for all five stages, a tagline and a five sentence manifesto. On the first day of receiving the project I asked my group to start producing research for the following day, they came back with a bit of research and a few ideas for the brand identity. At this point I then asked everyone to produce at least one logo design and we would then come together to pick the one we all liked the best. Once we produced our logo, we moved on to producing the tagline. Our tagline is ‘Brighter colours, Brighter cities’ . Those parts were the easiest to do, the hardest t