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Showing posts from January, 2018

216AAD - Design Context 2

This module is a 2,000 word essay. The essay question/ title will be created by ourselves. The brife is very visual, we have to match images to words then describe why we placed the word to the image. This then forms our essay. Writing this essay gives me a slight concern. I have not written essays before however, this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to do it correctly and effectively. The tutor of this module Dr.Simon has a serious of lectures that will help me build my confidence for writing the essay. Here is a plan of what he will be teaching us and when;

215AAD - Design Practise 2

This module is basically a continuation of 1st semester however, it is slightly different. For semester two this project is based on various projects and placements. I have been trying to get a placement however, I was not successful. Due to not being able to get a placement, I will have to participate in project placements located by our tutor Lisa (I will not know what it is until February). As well as this, I will also be taking part in other projects such as Fun Move and Folklore. Once all of the projects are completed, I am expected to update my portfolio, my CV and also do a presentation to my tutors based on what I have done.

1st Semester grades

Finally, the waiting is over. I have now received all of my grades they are: Add-vantage Adobe Illustrator - 79.4% 212AAD Typography - 82% 213AAD Visual Communication 2 - 72% 214AAD Personal Development Planning - OVERAL GRADE: 65%  Project 1 (CV WRITING etc.) - 72% Project 2 (GROUP PROJECT) - 58% I am happy with my grades however, may group project let me down. My personal aim was to achieve all First for semester 1. My group project is the only reason why I did not achieve this. I could not be anymore disappointed. 

PDP - Group Presentation

The next presentation was for my group project, when this came around I was no longer feeling ill and was back to normal. I was very nervous as to whether or not the rest of my team would turn up for this presentation. This group project was one of the hardest due to my team not cooperating and not attending meetings. The majority of the work submitted was done by myself with a little of help from a team member called Dylan. I was not proud of the work produced and I am very certain as a group we will not be getting a high grade. If I was to do this project again, I would have taken control of the group too near as project managed and, allocated roles a lot sooner. Not having a project manager for so long for this project has effect us negatively. The presentation. Only myself, Dylan and Tamara turned up. We was missing two members (George and Ryan). We still presented and it went better than I thought however, the majority of our feedback was negative which conforms my thoughts of u

Self directed - Instagram account

Once everything was submitted and all presentations were done, I had some time to catch up on sleep and produce some self directed work. I decide to produce floral and geometric drawings. here is a screenshot of my instagram page.

Campaign Presentation

The week of submission is such a blur. After rushing about trying to hit a deadline that was sooner than originally told, I was also struck with a sickness bug making it hard for me to function and concentrate. The work was supposed to be due on Wednesday 10th January however, the paperwork said it was due Monday 8th. Even though I was struggling to keep anything down, I still managed to go into university to presentation my presentation (Friday 12th January) of the work I have produced. After all of the struggle, I'm proud of myself. My presentation went well, I received verbal positive feedback from Paul which makes me feel like I will achieve a strong grade of 2-1 or a first. Hopefully, it will be a first as I am aiming to achieve all first for semester 1.

Campaign - Deliverables

Poster Animatic Motion Animation App Design