18th October 2018 - 19th October 2018 DM18 DISRUPT; speak up, speak out and do something a bit different. The organisers felt that now is high time foe a shake up in this most special of cities, particularly in light of the rather sad-looking, mediated future we seem to be facing. Design Manchester 18 will hear from all brightest and best creative disruptors from every conceivable field, all with the aim of encouraging us all to forge our own creative paths through the gloom. Some influential people that where there Anthony Burrill – Globally renowned graphic artist, print-maker and designer Kate Dawkins – Founder and Creative Director of Kate Dawkins Studio, London. Matt Ipcar – Executive creative director at Blue State Digital. Principal design leader for both Obama campaigns Michael Wolff – Co-founder of global design agency Wolff Olins Morag Myerscough – UK designer & founder of Studio Myerscough and Supergrouplondon Sir Terry Farr...