After lots of research and hard work I can officially say I have finished my essay! I am proud of this piece of work ad I have enjoyed writing it. What I originally thought the answer would be changed throughout the essay and I can honestly say, I have learnt something new. Here is my essay ready to submit on the 30th April. Paper versus pixels – A never ending war This essay will engage in an argument in relation to consumer preference between physical printouts and digitally displayed formats (magazines, books and newspapers) and, if print production has a future or will redundancy occur with technology developing so fast. It will come to its conclusion by ‘Stephen Fry’ ‘Joe Queenan’, ‘Craig Mod’, ‘Clayton Christensen’ and ‘ Mark Pitts’, critically analysing and discussing quality and preference, environmental impacts and cost of production. It is more complex than saying physical print is better than digital or vice versa, these points will help explore what the differ...