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Showing posts from February, 2018

216AAD - Essay Feedback

After sending my essay choice, I have now received feedback. This is what he said; SB comments: this is going to be a survey and not an argument. You will not be able to do all this satisfactorily within the limits of the brief. We need to talk - please find me so we can clarify this. (19th February 2018) In responce to what he said, I will be either talking with him or Phil for further information on how I can be on the right track for my essay. On 27th February 2018 , I managed to have a chat with Phil to have a better understanding of my feedback. He claimed that I need to make it more narrow, focusing on a few of the points I have selected. He said that if I was to write an essay with everything I have mentioned, I won't be able to dig deep enough with the word limit I have been given. Due to this feedback, I decided to change the essay to discuss  an argument in relation to consumer preference between physical printouts and digitally displayed formats (magazines, books and

Fun Move - Presentation

The presentation slides. I designed the layout of the slides which was then passed on to Tayla to add the information into. When it came to presentation day (19th February), I did the majority of the talking because I was the project manager which meant I knew the most about it. The presentation went well and we received positive feedback for how we presented, the deliverables and how the video looked. Even though it was hard to get the team to work, we managed to pull it together in the end and I am proud of Team 8.

Fun Move - Complete Research and Sketch book work

Throughout this project I have been keeping a sketchbook.

Fun Move - Deliverables

This was a rather fast pasted group project and o produced a serious of products such as, the stumbles pack, stationary and other products. Here are some mock ups of the work I produced. Letter head and envelope Stimulus Pack Merchandise

Fun Move - Stimulus Pack

The role I gave myself within this group project was to produce the stimulus pack. I decided to keep it simple and colourful. Due to the fact it is for children, I decided to not include much text within the design. There are only a selected few designs that I have illustrated. If our group is selected, then I will produce more designs so the stimulus pack is complete.